Aerospace medical technician displays "Service Before Self"

  • Published
  • By Airman Cory D. Payne
  • 48th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
Name and Rank: Senior Airman Valeria Garza

Unit: 48th Women's Health Services

Duty Title: Aerospace medical technician

Time in Service:
3 years

Time at Lakenheath: 2 years

Hometown: Dinuba, Calif.

Hobbies: I love spending time at the gym and promoting healthy living to my wingmen.

Core Value Portrayed:
"Service Before Self"

How does the individual portray that core value?
Garza comes in early and stays late almost every day to make sure the mission is on target and will meet its goal. She has portrayed leadership that is firmly grounded in ethical principles and servant leadership attitude. She sets the bar for her peers, friends and family and spreads a positive influential attitude to anyone and everyone around her.
Why is serving in the Air Force important to you?
It's an honor for me to serve in the best military branch for my country. It is important to me because it has taught me many things such as discipline, leadership and character in general. It has become a part of my everyday living. Without being part of such an amazing Air Force, I would not be complete.

What accomplishment during your Air Force career are you most proud of?
I am most proud of being able to enroll back into school. Going back to school has never been an easy step for anyone, let alone me. Knowing I am that much closer to my degree is what keeps me motivated every day.

What are your personal and/or professional goals?
My personal as well as professional goals are to graduate from college with my bachelor's degree in criminology and to continue with my education; possibly in nursing. Some of my immediate goals are to become a staff sergeant and continue to learn more in my career field.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My co-workers. Without them, I would not be the Airman I am today. I have learned and gained so much knowledge from them. Because of them, I have been able to perform my job effectively while enjoying it at the same time. They keep it fun and keep me going.