Got mail?

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Lausanne Morgan
  • 48th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
There are many stressors that go hand in hand with a PCS to an overseas location. For many, it's their first time away from home; and they're very, very far from home. For some, their families aren't with them or won't be with them right away. For some, there are financial implications involved with setting up a new household.

In the midst of all that, Airmen regularly stress about their mail. Will they miss a bill? Will they miss a letter from a loved one? Will they get the new clothes they just ordered?

The RAF Lakenheath Post Office is here to help people reduce the amount of stress they have when they PCS here.

By allowing service members, friends and family to send packages and letters to their loved ones overseas without having to pay international fees, some of the stress that builds up from getting assignments or being deployed is lessened.

"We serve as an extension of [the United States Post Office], with that in mind, we offer most of the same services you are accustomed to at any state-side post office," said Master Sgt. Charles Smith, 48th Communications Squadron postmaster.

Making sure things run smoothly at the post office isn't as simple as putting mail in peoples' boxes.

"There are different sections that are instrumental in keeping the post office running," said Senior Airman Thomas Patterson, 48th CS postal specialist. "From the finance section that ensures that all parcels are safe and stamped appropriately ... to receipt and dispatch who process and sort all outgoing mail ... to the final step when the customers finally receive their mail."

The post office receives anywhere from 7,000 to 8,000 pounds of mail per night. Tuesday is the busiest night when the bulk shipment comes in weighing up to 20 thousand pounds and consisting of mail-order catalogs and publications.

"Even though the volume of mail is high," said Sergeant Smith, "your RAF Lakenheath post office has the mail processed and ready for delivery everyday without fail."

The post office is always striving for success, providing a great experience for people incoming or outgoing.

"As a customer organization, customer satisfaction is our primary goal," said Airman Patterson.