Mission Statement

Provide worldwide responsive combat airpower.

Royal Air Force Lakenheath, United Kingdom, is located 70 miles northeast of London and 25 miles northeast of Cambridge. The Liberty Wing consists of more than 4,500 active-duty military members, over 1,000 British and U.S. civilians and includes a geographically-separated unit at nearby RAF Feltwell. RAF Lakenheath is the largest U.S. Air Force-operated base in England and the only U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) F-15 fighter wing.

As the USAFE's only F-15 fighter wing, we bring unique air combat capabilities to the fight, such as the most advanced Joint Direct Attack Munitions employed by the F-15E. We provide all-weather, day-or-night air superiority, air-to-ground precision combat capability and multi-staged improvement program avionics. The F-15E Strike Eagle employs Precision Guided Missiles (PGMs) using the Low Altitude Night Targeting and Infrared Navigation (LANTIRN) system and Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod technology. The F-15C Eagle employs advanced technology including the AIM-9X munitions and the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System providing the most advanced technology, capable of eliminating enemy air threats anytime, anywhere. When teamed together, the F-15E and F-15C provide air combat capability never before seen in the history of airpower.

Historically, the 48th FW has been the foundation of USAFE's combat capability and remains so today. The Liberty Wing led the El Dorado Canyon raids into Libya in 1986 and was the first F-111 fighter unit to deploy to the Gulf during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The Liberty Wing also anchored NATO forces during Operations Deliberate Force and Allied Force. Since September 11, 2001, the 48th FW has played a key role in antiterrorism operations, flying combat missions and providing combat support in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The 48th FW continues to provide responsive combat capability for our NATO allies and the U.S. military at every turn.