Motorcycle registration To register and operate a motorcycle while assigned to RAF Lakenheath you must have an endorsement on your stateside license and have completed a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Course within the past three years. Upon arrival to RAF Lakenheath you must complete the local conditions briefing by Wing Safety and pass the Driver's Training Test. The law in the united Kingdom requires all riders to wear helmets with Economic Commission of Europe (ECE) 22.05 or British Standards (BS) 6658 (categorized as Type A, blue label or type B, green label) approval. DOT, ANSI and Snell helmets are not authorized to be worn in the UK. Check with your Unit Motorcycle Coordinator upon arrival to determine the style of helmet required before purchasing a helmet on the economy and to be added to your Unit's list of motorcycle riders. USAFE requires motorcycle operators to attend an MSF course every three years. It is highly encouraged personnel complete the MSF Course prior to arrival. Class size is limited.