Employment Be Aware That The Job Search In An Overseas Assignment Is Different From A Job Search In The States Since the base is situated in a rural setting, there is not as much industry as you may find in more populated areas. Realize that this area in the UK does not have the same salary scale that you are familiar with in the United States. You will need a National Insurance Number (same as our Social Security Number) - but you must have a job offer in writing before applying for the number. You can work during the application process. Off-base job resumes will need to be on A4 size paper. It tends to be even more competitive here. Even though we can work on the economy, many spouses want to work on base. In Preparation For Your UK Job Search - Meet with your local Family Support Center’s Career Focus Coordinator to obtain information on Government Service, Non-Appropriated Funds, Contract Positions and off-base employment. - Employment on-base is also available through the Department of Defense Dependents Schools. - Update your civilian resume and have a Government Application (OF 612 form) completed and saved on disc. - Know and understand about the Spouse Preference -Be careful not to loose it by not knowing about it. - Have copies of your College transcripts for possible use by the Civilian Personnel Office. Upon Your Arrival - Go to the Family Support Center as soon as possible. They will go over all the opportunities available on and off base and how to apply for each different category. - Since most government jobs on base are advertised on Friday and close on Wednesday, it is best to wait till you arrive to apply for any on base jobs. - Be diligent, but patient with your job search. - Seriously consider furthering you education! This will enhance your marketability and should make you qualified for better jobs.