• Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Seleena Muhammad-Ali
  • 48th Fighter Wing

U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 48th Munitions Squadron conducted the first-ever Combat Ammunition Production Exercise (CAPEX) with the Royal Air Force from Aug. 7-11, 2023.

CAPEX is a non-rated, non-aircraft, live-munitions production exercise that provides the logistics community an opportunity to evaluate munitions' combat readiness, base support plan adequacy, tactics, techniques, and procedures.

CAPEX demonstrates the capability of the 48th MUNS to operate in a simulated wartime tempo and mass-produce munitions to meet a near-zero notice timeline.

"The exercise will help us pinpoint where we can improve our processes, resource and equipment limitations, and training refinements to be able to work faster and generate munitions as quickly and efficiently as possible," said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Dillon Logston, 48th Munitions Squadron conventional maintenance crew chief.

Throughout the United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa, CAPEX provided an opportunity to work closely with NATO partners and allies, enhancing interoperability and strengthening relationships between military forces. U.S. Airmen from the 48th Fighter Wing, 501st Combat Support Wing, 28th Bomb Wing, and the Royal Air Force 93rd Expeditionary Squadron participated in the exercise.

"Lessons learned from each other allow us to bring new ideas and processes home to integrate what works well and create a relationship of learning between our services. So, if and when the time comes, we have a better understanding of how we operate together in an execution environment," said Logston. "It gives all munitions members and exercise participants the experience of working through that environment and provides peace of mind to our leaders that when the time comes, members of the 48th Munitions Squadron can and will rise to the occasion," said Logston.

By allowing forces to integrate, U.S. Air Force and RAF members gained new and valuable information about each other's operational and technical methods, paving the way for seamless cooperation in real-world scenarios.

"We are proving that the ACE concept can take our people anywhere in the world to strengthen forces with our NATO allies and partners," said the Royal Air Force Chief Technician in charge of the explosives storage area assigned to the 93rd Expeditionary Squadron at RAF Marham. "Our role is to bolster the U.S. bomb building team to help them build as many bombs as possible in the quickest time possible. At the same time, we are here to provide our UK assets to bolster the bomb prep output."